Reference Applicant Application Datesort descending Proposal Status
17/03326/DIS Miss Wendy Shore 11th July 2017 Discharge of Conditions 3 (EPS), 4 (Bat Boxes), 5 (Roof details), 6 (Structural... Discharge Conditions Part Approved
17/03447/FUL Messrs Procter And Furness 17th July 2017 Erection of one dwelling with detached double garage; formation of vehicular... Awaiting decision
Land (Plot 2) South Of Chapel Lane Knockin Heath Oswestry Shropshire
17/03448/FUL Messrs Procter And Furness 17th July 2017 Erection of one dwelling with detached double garage; formation of vehicular... Awaiting decision
Land (Plot 3) South Of Chapel Lane Knockin Heath Oswestry Shropshire
17/03229/FUL Mr & Mrs Steve Golding 17th July 2017 Erection of a single storey extension Granted
17/03446/FUL Messrs Procter And Furness 17th July 2017 Erection of one dwelling with detached double garage; formation of vehicular... Awaiting decision
17/03656/DIS Mr Ffoulkes-Jones 28th July 2017 Discharge of Conditions 3 (sewage treatment plant) and 4 (soakaway) of planning... Granted
Proposed Dwelling At Hall Farm Nursery Kinnerley Shropshire
17/04374/DIS Mr Humphreys 7th September 2017 Discharge of Condtions 3 ( Materials) and 5 (Lighting) of planning permission... Granted
Proposed Agricultural Building To The South Of Chapel Lane Knockin Heath Shropshire
17/04428/TCA SP Energy Networks 11th September 2017 Fell 1no Elm Tree within Kinnerley Conservation Area No Objection
Longacres Kinnerley Oswestry Shropshire
17/04479/DIS Mr Paul Duncan 14th September 2017 Discharge of Condition 3 (Materials), 4 (Landscaping), 5 (Nesting Boxes), 6 (... Granted
Proposed Affordable Dwelling To The North Of Maesbrook Shropshire
17/04401/FUL Mr John Davies 20th September 2017 Erection of an affordable dwelling with detached garage/store and formation of... Awaiting decision
Land South East Of Rosedale Maesbrook Oswestry Shropshire



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number or address and you can view the application and proposed plans.

Developers considering proposals in the Kinnerley Parish Council area are invited to discuss their proposals with the Parish Council at as early a stage as possible. Please contact the Parish Clerk at or 07866494411

Planning applications within the Parish borders and to be dealt with by the Council are often listed on the left of this page.