Conservation Area designated for the centre of Kinnerley

For information on the 13th July 2016 Shropshire Council Cabinet resolved that the Kinnerley Conservation Area be approved  and the designation of Kinnerley Conservation Area has now been advertised locally and nationally and Shropshire Council has written formally to Historic England and the Secretary of State. It has been added to the GIS layers and is therefore available on the Shropshire local view mapping system. It is also being added to the list of Conservation Area maps on Shropshire Council's website. A copy of the report to Shropshire Council cabinet is available below.


A drop in event was held on the 9th May 2015 and was very well attended and there were positive responses to the event questionnaire.

A Chartered Archaeologist/Historic Building Specialist firstly helped members of the community in their successful application to get the Cross Keys listed and protected as a building of Special or Historic Interest and then provided expertise for communityr objections to the redevelopment of the Cross Keys into a housing development. In doing this, the history of Kinnerley was researched and it became clear that the historic core of Kinnerley is very special. The Parish Council was advised that Kinnerley should be a Conservation Area to provide additional protection for what we already have.

The centre of Kinnerley was proposed as a Conservation Area as this is where we find the oldest and most historic buildings and the archaeologically important features that primarily define the importance of the village. It also includes the land around the Parish Hall, Halston Field and the village green (by the shop).

Conservation Areas have a prestige value, recognising the special character and appearance of an area. Research has shown that houses in Conservation Areas fetch higher prices and have a greater price appreciation such that people value living in them. Certain types of grant funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and English Heritage are also targeted at Conservation Areas which may further assist any community action to save and renovate the Cross Keys.

What does having a Conservation Area mean?

The designation of a Conservation Area does not mean that every building will be preserved and no changes allowed. Change is inevitable and may be necessary for the day-to-day life, prosperity and enhancement of Kinnerley. But designation helps ensure that changes respect the area's character and appearance. Conservation Area status encourages good quality development and also gives protection for trees, and for important existing buildings by seeking planning permission for total demolition. Whilst there is some minor modification of permitted development rights in Conservation Areas the Government is generally seeking to extend householders' permitted development rights. Conservation Areas are not open-air museums but living communities, so the emphasis is on the positive management of change.

Further information:

Shropshire Council :